Suffering From Knee Pain?
1 in 4 adults are affected by knee pain.
Knee pain is a common complaint for people of all ages. The knee transmits a lot of force from the hip down and from the ankle up. With the flexibility of the hip and ankle joints, the knee needs to provide a lot of stability. When you are experiencing pain in your knee, your ability to bear weight may be greatly affected. Learn about some of the common knee conditions we treat at Evomotion Health and Wellness.
Common Causes Of Knee Pain
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
The patellofemoral joint is the joint between the kneecap and the thigh bone. Pain from this joint arises from excessive or repetitive stress, often from high impact activities such as unning and jumping. It is also believed that it can result from abnormal tracking of the patella (kneecap).
Symptoms May Include:
- Dull and achy, or sharp pain at the front of the knee
- Aggravation with weight bearing activities
- Knee stiffness
- Grinding sensation with knee movement
- Slight swelling
- Knee feels like it is "giving out"
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
The iliotibial band, or IT band, is a fibrous band of tissue extending from the outer hip to the knee. It serves to provide stability of the pelvis and postural control. IT band syndrome is caused by the friction or tension of the IT band over the outer thigh bone at the knee and is associated with repetitive athletic activities such as running, cycling, rowing, and swimming.
Symptoms May Include:
- Starts as diffuse ache over outer knee following activity
- Increase symptoms and progression to sharp pain with continued activity
- Referred hip pain
- Pain is worse with uphill running or going up and down stairs
- Audible, repetitive popping noise in knee with walking or running
- Slight swelling
Knee Ligament Sprains
There are 4 major ligaments of the knee; the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate lgiament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), and the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). These ligaments hold the knee together and provide stability in different directions. A knee sprain is the overstretching of a ligament and occur when the knee is forced out of it's natural position. Depending on the ligament injured, you will experience different symptoms.
ACL Sprains:
- Common knee sprain, associated with MCL sprian and meniscal tears
- Deep sharp pain following rapid deceleration or suden change of direction
- Knee "gave out" and may have heard a "pop" at the time of injury
- Swelling and knee joint stiffness
- Inability to continue activity
- Limited range of motion
PCL Sprains:
- Less common than ACL or MCL sprains
- Deep vague knee pain following a direct blow to the front of the shin while knee is bent or a fall on a flexed knee
- May have heard a "pop" or "snap at the time of injury
- Swelling and knee joint stiffness
- Feeling of instability in the knee
- Decreased range of motion
MCL Sprains:
- Most common knee sprain, associated with ACL sprian and meniscal tears
- Inner knee pain following direct blow to outside of knee or an excessive twisting maneuver
- May have heard a "pop" or had tearing sensation at the time of injury
- Inner knee swelling
- Feeling of instability in the knee
- Decreased range of motion
LCL Sprains:
- Least common knee sprain, likely associated with a multiligamentous knee injury
- Isolated LCL sprain may occur with direct impact to inner front side of the upper shin and hyperextension
- May have heard a "pop" or "snap" at the time of injury
- Outer knee pain, worse with extended knee
- Feeling of instability in the knee
- Mild knee swelling
Meniscal Tears
The meniscus is a wedge shaped structure covering the top surface of the shin bone. There is a lateral meniscus and a medial meniscus for each knee. The menisci help distribute load, lubricate the knee joint, provide shock absorption, and facilitate joint gliding. Injury usually occurs progressviely over time due to mechanical dysfunction or acutely from a sudden change in speed and direction.
Symptoms May Include:
- Knee pain at the joint line
- Locking, catching, clicking, popping, or buckling
- Aggravation with extreme motions, especially deep knee flexion
- Local redness and swelling
- Difficulty with walking
- Usually cycles of from feeling better to feeling worse